The Bittersweetsny jewelry studio is defiantly on a different wave length. A small studio based in Brooklyn, New York. Their name "Bittersweets" really does say it all. Their pieces are simple and have a wit and humor to them that is all their own.

The "bitter" in Bittersweets would be The Vampress Engagement Ring, I don't know how many people out there want a vampire engagement ring but there has to be someone - and Bittersweetsny has it. They list that they're willing to use other gemstones and personally I’d love to see a black diamond, deep red garnet or a red tourmaline.

The "sweet" in Bittersweet, is the Teency Ring and the Letter Ring with a diamond. Petite diamond rings that are just precious and say a lot in something so small. There are different metals to choose from for both rings and I personally like the rose gold as it has warmth to it. The Teency ring has many different possibilities for the diamond colors. Take a look at the green or blue diamond with either yellow or rose gold. For the Letter Ring with a diamond they will print "four letters or numbers and rose. "
It would be really cool if a trend would start based on who has the cutest/tiniest stone in an engagement ring as a backlash to the pervious ideas of saving 3 month of a salary, which is just a marketing scheme started by Debeers started in the 40 and 50’s . Also in these troubled economic times its just irresponsible to spend 10k on a ring if you really don’t have it.

If you were to go with the Teency Ring or Letter Ring with a diamond, I’d recommend as a wedding band their tri-colored thin band that can be lettered. The monogram ring which I really like the lettering style, the letter ring or big boy ring. There are a range of possibilities for letters and symbols on all of these and it gives you the opportunity to really make it special and one of a kind. You also might consider getting the wedding band in a different metal. It can look really nice having the different metals next to each other. I personally wear a pale yellow gold and sliver ring together and it looks great.

The Love is Blind ring it cute and witty. A wedding ring with a message that can be read as long as you have feeling in your fingers. Bittersweetsny produces this ring with or with out diamonds in gold or silver.

For more info about Bittersweetsny
All images are from bittersweetsny site